Offers a comprehensive legal service to a diverse range of clients, whether domestic or foreign, including commercial organizations and varied conveyancing transactions.

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What We Offer

About Our Firm

Founded in 2001, BC Attorneys has grown to offer comprehensive legal services to a diverse range of clients, whether domestic or foreign, with our offices situated in Oude Westhof, Bellville.

Our firm offers a full range of quality legal services and expertise, supported by sound business and legal knowledge. These services include consumer related queries/transactions, intellectual property transactions, consumer protection workshops and seminars, company law (drafting of MOI's), civil litigation, estate planning, drafting of Wills and Antenuptial contracts. BC Attorneys is dedicated to providing a cost-effective service and most timely advice on the basis of extensive experience, professionalism and a highly personal approach to the clients' needs.

In order to uphold this commitment, we identify the best candidates and continuously attend to training our staff. Attorneys of the firm know their jobs and take pride in what they are doing. As a result, the firm generates creative solutions to various issues and concerns arising in the course of conducting business.
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Talk to an Industry Expert

We offer a full range of quality legal services and expertise, supported by sound business and legal knowledge.

Please Note: Our firm does not provide free legal advice, and a consultation may first be required in order to assess the merits of your matter.

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